Ladies Adventure Club Winter Gear Night - Hosted by Patagonia
I was recently invited to speak about my Appalachian Trail thru-hike at an event put on by the Maine Ladies Adventure Club (LAC). I shared stories about trial and error and also the importance of having a positive mentality especially when hiking/camping in the winter. If you ask any thru hiker they will tell you the same thing - hiking the AT is far more of a mental challenge than physical one!
It was a great night hosted by Patagonia in Freeport, ME. Members of the Patagonia team shared insight about layering for winter hiking and Gillian and Alicia (co-leaders of the LAC) shared some more information about when to wear micro spikes or snowshoes as well as how to pack your bag for winter hiking. It would take up several pages to write all that I learned!
If you are interested in learning more about the LAC check out their website here.